Sunday, July 29, 2007

Babies are Fast; I mean really fast

I am not lying when i say that babies are fast. Sure they are small; small feet, and tiny hands but when coordinated, they will blitzkrieg the cat food bowl as soon as you turn your back. 

When i say "as soon as you turn your back", i mean when I turned my back. Everytime.

I am going to get a dog lease and a small dog harness, and attach it to her. As soon as she get to close to the bowl, i real her in. It is like Fishing, only i'll be Babying.

Thank you Dr. Evil.

The basic design is good, but it can be improved on: like put some horsepower on the lease. Wheel her right in. ZZZZZZIP.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So what kind of fish will use as a basis for design?
Shark? Bass? Killer whale?