Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Hanging out with F.

Me and Faida hanged out today, since susie went to go run errands and get her hair cut.

what did we do?

Well, we finished watching an episode of X-play, then we went for a walk to catch some fresh air. It was fun.

She started to get a little GrumpyStilskin on me, so we went home and i made her some bottles.

While feeding Faida, we watched some West Wing. Didn't last for long, cause she was pretty tired, and had to go to bed.

Then i took the opportunity to read some more HP #7, increasing my lead over susie. She has some catching up to do.

it almost seems like this post was written by a 10-year old, doesn't?

that is why i am becoming an accountant. don't have to worry about grammar and sentence structure.

too much work.

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