Saturday, July 21, 2007

Faida and her Corner

Faida has found her spot. her playpen. her domain of dominance (yes it does include my heart, but other than that).

you know that clip i showed earlier of standing up for the "first time" (more like senond or third, but first time recorded)? that is her spot. she is all over those boxes. 

i am going to try and get some footage of it and put together a montage of her. 

it is quite fun seeing her climb on it, going for the books and pulling them out. i acn actually her going. "what this daddy? What this?"

occasionally, i'll open the game console chest-o-treassure, and  her touch them. she loves it. 


she is daddy's little girl. 


Anonymous said...

You know she is only looking at the consoles to see if they have jewels on them.

PellaBoo said...

It's really all about the flashing lights...and the nice shiny buttons