Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Baby Monitors...

A quick word on baby monitors: they are no replacement for the human ear! They should not be used as a substitute. let me tell you why:

They can fail and when they do, horrible things happen.

Both me and Susie were both sitting next to the monitor, paying attention to it while we are playing our respective games (susie: gcube-Paper Mario: thousand year door; me: psp- Tales of the world). in the mean time, Faida woke up and started crying. By the time we finally figured out that there is something rotten in Denmark, she was sitting up and crying her little head off.

This may not sound so bad... but for Faida to be sitting up and crying means that she has been up for some time. 

this is very disconcerting. 

It is also worth mentioning that putting a crying a baby back to sleep involves a great deal of patience and effort. 

the final word: baby monitors are great, just don't rely on them as being infallible

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